Friday 29 January 2016

Stop motion animation

My ideas for my stop motion animation film:
For my idea I'm going to be doing a fight scene with 10 martial artists against one man. This animation is going to be done with plasticine models. This scene is based off another film which is called Ip man. This is the video clip showing what I am going to do for stop animation film using plasticine models.

This is another video clip that would be an example of my animation film that i will be creating. This scene is from the film ip man.

This is another fight scene, but this is the film ip man but it is the second film of ip man. The models will be made from plasticine. The reason I chose plasticine is because the models are easier to make and they are easier to plan the models, on how they are going to look like and the way they are created.

My animation film will have fighting scenes. I have not decided which one these video clips I want to do for animation film. It's either going to be one man vs 10 men. Two men fighting in a boxing ring or either two men fighting on the streets. In my film there wont be any lines, just sound effects of fighting and also music. The main idea of mine will be a man fighting ten men on the streets. I am making this film by myself without any assistance, unless I ask help from the teacher to help with the models or something, but most of all I'll be making stop motion animation film by myself.

A man is walking down the streets by himself, and the streets are pitch black and completely silent. Until some people cam along looking for trouble. They were forming a circle around him so that he wouldn't escape. The innocent man was staring at the mugger who was in front him. they both just stared at each other in anger. Then out of no where things start to kick off as they start to fight the innocent man, but what they didn't realise that this man was a black belt in kick boxing. The background will have buildings in the poster and it will be at night.


  • Plastecine
  • HUE camera
  • Background of an alley way
  • Model tools
  • A cardboard box
  • Istop motion 3
This image here is my storyboard that i have created and showing what is going to happen in my short film clip.

In the script there will be no speaking but there will be sound effects and music in the stop animation film.

Scene 1
A man is walking down the street trying to get home. Then he goes down an alley way which is the quickest way to get home, until he bumps into a stranger who looks trouble.

Scene 2
The stranger looks at the man and stares at him in anger, looking like he wants to kill him which he does anyway. They both just stare at each other for ages with out any movement or talking just standing there and looking at each other.

Scene 3
All hell breaks loose as the men start to fight each other, and it is a brutal fight as they punch each other in the face, and just punch each other to death.

Scene 4
The man punches the stranger in the face and knocks him out, the man walks off without him knowing if he is okay or not. As the man walks off he stops and looks behind and he feels sorry for the stranger as he was desperate. The man carries on walking back to home.

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