Friday 20 May 2016

Evaluating audience responses

Name:Josh Garrens
Quality of animation:5
Other:good animation and good use of sound

Name:Kiera Mcgarry
Quality of animation:4
Sound: 4
Storyline: 3
other: It could of been longer.

Name:Kieren Dixon
Quality of animation:3
Other: No comment Blad

Name:Ralph Smith
Quality of animation:4
Other:Good engaging sound

Name:Courtney Fleming
Quality of animation:4
other: I like the intimidating music - very scary

Name:Sam Taylor
Quality of animation:5
Sound: 5
Editing: 5
Storyline: 4
Other: N/A

Quality of animation:4.5
Sound: 4
Other: Good audio, maybe should be a bit longer.

Name:Aimee Aston
Quality of animation:4
Other: The audio and fighting was funny. The animation should be a bit longer though.

Name:Ryan Atterton
Quality of animation: 4
Other: Could of been a bit longer

Name:Shannon Mclean
Quality of animation:4
Other:Could be a little bit longer.

Name:Lauren Taylor
Quality of animation: 3
Sound: 4
Editing: 4
Storyline: 5

These are people's comments and said what was good about it and what could be improved. They've also put a mark out of 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. I didn't get any 1 or 2 but i did get a lot of improving comments to make my animation better. The comment for improving a lot was making the film longer. I would of made the film longer, but I was running out of time and didn't have enough time to make a 30 second. I only had tie to make a 20 second video. The models would of been better designed but things were running out and I had to get my film in as soon as possible. I would say that this animation film was not my best and was not my favourite animation film. I had help from Kevin Trundley who is my teacher. Helped me to make my animate models and helped me to set up my animation film and made the models.

If I was to remake my animation film again. The stuff that I would change will be to make the film longer, to make the models better and well made, make the story line more clear, and maybe add more sound effects to the film is well.

This wouldn't be my best project as it wasn't planned out very well, and the story wasn't fully understandable and wasn't very clear what was going to happen, and also it wasn't very well planned when I started the filming as I got stuck on what to do for the next scene and didn't plan out how the models were going to act like in the short film. The lasted for 20 seconds but most of the film was an introduction to the film and the credits at the end, but I did add sound effects to the film. The sound effects that I added to the film was the psycho theme song, a man screaming and also punching sound effects.

 This image here is my animation film that I have been editing on premiere pro. The green lines are my sound effects. I would of done more sound effects but my film wasn't long enough to have enough sound effects.
This image here is showing my models. I would of made my models better detail, but I didn't have enough time to make the perfect, and I made some other modes earlier on but the legs were not thick enough and they couldn't stand up properly, so I had to have kevin's help to make my models again and to make thicker so they can stand up properly.
In this image I have added titles and credits saying who made the film and what is the name of the title. It would of have a better title as the name of the tile was called the fight.

I would of made the film better, but I would say that models wasn't a good idea as it is not my favourite animation. Next time we make another animation film I would probably do a cut out animation, but the other animation I did enjoy. i enjoyed Kieren Dixon's animation as he did cut out animation. He used good drawing sketches, good editing skills and volume in the film, and i also enjoyed Aimee Aston's animation is well as the models were well made, the volume was good and so was the editing skills.

Friday 29 January 2016

Stop motion animation

My ideas for my stop motion animation film:
For my idea I'm going to be doing a fight scene with 10 martial artists against one man. This animation is going to be done with plasticine models. This scene is based off another film which is called Ip man. This is the video clip showing what I am going to do for stop animation film using plasticine models.

This is another video clip that would be an example of my animation film that i will be creating. This scene is from the film ip man.

This is another fight scene, but this is the film ip man but it is the second film of ip man. The models will be made from plasticine. The reason I chose plasticine is because the models are easier to make and they are easier to plan the models, on how they are going to look like and the way they are created.

My animation film will have fighting scenes. I have not decided which one these video clips I want to do for animation film. It's either going to be one man vs 10 men. Two men fighting in a boxing ring or either two men fighting on the streets. In my film there wont be any lines, just sound effects of fighting and also music. The main idea of mine will be a man fighting ten men on the streets. I am making this film by myself without any assistance, unless I ask help from the teacher to help with the models or something, but most of all I'll be making stop motion animation film by myself.

A man is walking down the streets by himself, and the streets are pitch black and completely silent. Until some people cam along looking for trouble. They were forming a circle around him so that he wouldn't escape. The innocent man was staring at the mugger who was in front him. they both just stared at each other in anger. Then out of no where things start to kick off as they start to fight the innocent man, but what they didn't realise that this man was a black belt in kick boxing. The background will have buildings in the poster and it will be at night.


  • Plastecine
  • HUE camera
  • Background of an alley way
  • Model tools
  • A cardboard box
  • Istop motion 3
This image here is my storyboard that i have created and showing what is going to happen in my short film clip.

In the script there will be no speaking but there will be sound effects and music in the stop animation film.

Scene 1
A man is walking down the street trying to get home. Then he goes down an alley way which is the quickest way to get home, until he bumps into a stranger who looks trouble.

Scene 2
The stranger looks at the man and stares at him in anger, looking like he wants to kill him which he does anyway. They both just stare at each other for ages with out any movement or talking just standing there and looking at each other.

Scene 3
All hell breaks loose as the men start to fight each other, and it is a brutal fight as they punch each other in the face, and just punch each other to death.

Scene 4
The man punches the stranger in the face and knocks him out, the man walks off without him knowing if he is okay or not. As the man walks off he stops and looks behind and he feels sorry for the stranger as he was desperate. The man carries on walking back to home.

Friday 27 November 2015

Cut out animation

Today we got in a group of three and started cutting out pictures for our cut out animation. The people that I worked with are Josh Smith and Ryan Atterson.

This is car of an BMW  that we will be using in the film.
This is a picture of santa that we cut out of a magazine that we used.
This a picture of two people on bikes. These images will be used in the animation film.

This is a picture of a christmas gift and a rock that will be used in the cut out film.

This is a picture of a car that will also be used in the cut out film.

Cut out film
This our cut out animation film that me and Ryan and Josh S did together. There has ben some eras where there have been fingers in the film, but we managed to remove the clip from the film.